Enhancing Peaceful Co-Existence through Christian Education
Peaceful, Coexistence, Christian, EducationAbstract
This study examines how Christian education can be used as a catalyst for resolving and preventing
religious conflicts thereby enhancing peaceful co-existence. It aimed at pointing out some of the factors that
enhances peaceful co-existence as well as threats to peaceful co-existence in the society. Furthermore,
Christian education is an instrument “per excellence” for effective national peace and security in any nation.
However, it is important to stress that Christian education takes place both in formal and informal settings
where people are taught the principles of peace and security. The realization of the importance of peace
and security is also crucial to national development. Thus, as part of the five main national goals of the
National Policy on Education, emphasis is laid on religious education given to all citizens. This type of
education is imparted to achieve national peace and security in the society. The research went further to
reveal that Nigerian National Policy on Education emphasized that Christian religious education should
include practicing what is preached, creating fear of God, commitment and dedication in the citizens. In the
recommendation, religious leaders are to ensure that religious education should be void of preaching
violence and disunity, which are common features of most religious groups today, rather, religious
education, whether Christian, Muslim or traditional should be centered on the teaching of honesty, fair play,
justice, love, unity and contentment which are all actual virtues of peace and security. There are many
children in Nigeria who are not opportune to obtain religious education that could also stress the importance
of peace, conformity and believe by ignoring differences within their religious backgrounds. As the children
grow, they must clearly understand their full role in the sustenance of peace and national development. It
was concluded by saying that Christian religious educators can tailor the teaching of national peace and
security into their curricular. Thus, the teaching of subjects like “peace studies and conflict resolution”, have
a religious education background. The efforts of preventing conflicts cannot be realized if political office
holders do not imbibe the basic concept of religious leadership, which is to maintain national peace and
security. The political office holders should therefore endearvour to follow instructions given by the religious
leaders in order to maintain peace.
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