Assessing Early Childhood Education as a Link to Sustainable Development in the Twenty First Century


  • Vajime Doofan Rachel
  • Orkaa Marenga Dinah
  • Ona Comfort Uduma


Sustainability in education refers to a training that gives essential tools to leading a whole life. Investigation
in early childhood education is synonymous to building a sustainable society. In this revive, early childhood
education as a link to sustainable development is assessed. This review observed that the need for
sustainable education in Nigeria begins with young children who are incapable of developing their potentials
without the assistance of others. Findings also reveal three pillars of sustainable development namely,
social development, economic development and environmental protection. The study shows that curriculum
development exists to reflect learner’s activities and experiences in teaching and learning in order to bring
about sustainable development in education. It was therefore recommended among others that since early
childhood and development is important for the successful and interesting nursery/primary school life of a
child, education policymakers, planners, stakeholders, parents and teachers should engage in campaign
to publicize and intimate the public on the gains of early childhood education. The study also recommends
that private investors should be encouraged to go in partnership with ministry of education to ensure
appropriate economic and human resources as well as environmental protection establishing early child
education and development centres. Furthermore, curriculum development should include early child
education development philosophy and training and above all, the role of the united nation in protecting the
right of a young child should be complemented by parents, individuals, teachers, children and nations of
the world.




How to Cite

Rachel, V. . D., Dinah, O. . M., & Uduma, O. . C. (2024). Assessing Early Childhood Education as a Link to Sustainable Development in the Twenty First Century. Scholar J - Science and Education, 2(4). Retrieved from



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